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Username : KB4095MEH,

Password :  #HXDRFL@ 

Number of books  2456
E-Books  724
E-Journal  1843
Journal  8

About library ; 

The Library has been catering to the needs of the undergraduates, postgraduates, faculty and staff members of all the departments of the institution. The book collection continues to support the teaching, research, development and other professional activities of these departments. The demands of the ever-growing research areas across multiple disciplines is being catered with the help of latest volumes, in almost all fields of Computer Science, Network Computing  Technology and general areas.

  • Salient features:

Large Number of Books


Additional Resources

Reference Collection

Technological Assistance

Newspapers & Magazines

Internet Facility

Reading Area

  • Library Rules And Regulation
  • Membership Eligibility
  • Working Hours
  • Rules of Privileges and Deposits
  • Duration of Loan and Overdue
  • Conditions of Loan of Books (For Students only)
  • Book Requisition by Faculty
  • Book Requisition by Students
  • Book Bank Rules And Regulation
  1. Only those books will be issued to the students, which are pre-decided by library committee.
  2. For issuing the books, all the students have to deposit Rs.2000 /- ( one thousand only )
  3. At the  time  of  return  students have  to pay 20 % of the total cost  of the books, which will be directly deducted from the deposit.
  4. Issued  books  have  to  be  returned  back to the library within one week after the final theory exam gets over.
  5. There should not be any kind of additional marking or writing in the book by the students , If found  the total cost of the book shall be reimbursed.
Only  needy students will be issued the books . The decision of library committee based on their application will be final and binding to all concerned.
